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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

high heels

have you ever thought about high heels? i have. and today my perspective has changed. last night i was talking to a 21 year old woman with spina bifida. it was a priceless conversation. i can think of no better person on earth to help me down the path with saylor then one that has gone before her. she mentioned something that really was tugging at her precious heart. she said the thing that bugs her the most is high heels. "i just want to wear high heels, dress fancy, and be beautiful." her words have yet to flee my thoughts. a very profound thing. makes me feel so ungrateful for so many things that i take for granted. i started to think about how i cant stand that saylor cant wear cute shoes already but i hadnt thought ahead of time to when it will become her desire not mine. then my mind drifted to my own struggle with my own appearance and body and i felt so overwhelmed with guilt ... what do i have to whine about? i can wear high heels.


Darla said...

Perspective. I need a good dose of it too.

kerry said...

totally. I feel so lame that I hate that Mase can't wear cool boy shoes! At least he'll never care about what he's wearing! I'll never wear my heels without thinking of this.. thanks

Sarah said...

Audrey! Stop it with the mushy sap! The last post made me cry and now this one?!