family pic

family pic

Monday, February 16, 2009

a time to reflect upon the meaning of anniversary

i posted this same pic last year on this same day. and another year has come and gone. today is our spina bifida anniversary. 6 years ago today dr glenn schemmer diagnosed our little family with the journery we were about to embark on. its hard not look back and be filled with emotions, both good and not really bad but hard or sad. and yet here i am. this past few weeks have brought the memories so much closer to the surface then they normally are as we have visited with other families facing spina bifida. i cant help but be so tremendously grateful for the community and family this has created around me. for the experience and for the timing of all things. so grateful for what i live and how i live it and most of all with whom!!!!!!


It all began here said...

Im amazed at this picture. you are a tremendous woman; so glad that I have gotten to know you.

Can you tell from this photo that she had spina bifida? I love her little profile.

littlefox said...

I didn't know you had this on your mind too yesterday! What an amazing journey it has been. You are all amazing and I'm so glad to know you and your little family!

Amber Schmidt said...

Kyleigh's two year heart anniversary is coming up and I can FEEL it inside me. I don't know what it is that arises in me during that last week of february but it is something that is definite and tangible. Something that you can never squash and you know it will never go away.

I am thankful to have "met" you guys and to be joining your family on this journey and you on ours.


PS... I added saylor to the Prayer blog!